Android 4.x (Ice Cream Sandwich) is required to run Apex Launcher.
-Custom number of homescreens and homescreen grid size
-Infinite & elastic scrolling (homescreen and drawer)
-Transition effects (homescreen and drawer)
-Customizable scrolling indicator (homescreen and drawer)
-Homescreen gestures (pinch, swipe up/down)
-Enable/Disable auto-rotation
-Enable/Disable wallpaper scrolling
-Show/Hide persistent search bar
-Show/Hide notification bar
-Show/Hide icon labels (homescreen and drawer)
-Lock/Unlock desktop
-All/Downloaded/Widgets tabs in drawer
-Drawer apps sorting (title, install date, mostly used)
-Add widgets from drawer (must install as system app) or system picker
-Resize any widget
-Backup/Restore settings and data
Beta v0.6 (Feb 29, 2012)
Docks customizations (scrollable dock, dock icons, etc.)
Option to join drawer tabs
Desktop double tap action
Multiple language support
Improved tablet transition effect on phones
Added homescreen indicator for tablets
Long press to launch app from hide apps list
Fixed empty preview screen bug
Fixed a bug with loading widget previews in the drawer
Fixed home key action bug
Fixed position issue when adding widgets from the drawer
Fixed widget resize bug
Fixed transition effect bugs for tablets
Various other improvements for tablets
Other bug fixes and optimizations
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